Home Security Tips
By Wallace Bunyea
If you’re planning to be away for an extended period of time, try to make your house look as though someone is home. For example, set timers on your lights and TVs so it will appear as if someone is moving from room to room. If you can’t set timers, you can always have a friend or family member stay in your home while you are away.
Accumulation of mail and/or newspapers is a good sign that nobody’s home. To avoid this, arrange to have the post office hold your mail. Or you can ask a friend or neighbor to pick it up while you’re away.
Always make sure your doors and windows have good, working locks. And remember to lock them when you’re in the home or leaving. Be sure to close your garage door as well. That’s often an easy way to gain entry to a home.
If you have sliding doors that lead outside, consider using a piece of wood or broom handle in the sliding track to prevent the door from opening. This helps keep the door secure if you forget to lock it, too!
As an added security measure, keep your blinds and/or curtains closed to the street. This prevents people from seeing what’s in your home when they are just passing by.
You don’t have to answer the door just because someone rings the bell. If you’re not expecting a delivery or any guests, be cautious when answering the door. Consider having a peephole installed, so you can safely see out without opening the door.
It’s never a good idea to risk leaving an extra key or garage door opener in a mailbox, under a doormat or in other nearby hiding spots. Instead, talk to one of your neighbors or close friends about keeping an extra key at their house.
About the Author
 | Wallace Bunyea, Devcon Security Systems 2008 Tanglewood Dr. Clayton, NC 27520 919-604-5720
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